Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Is Being Natural All That Bad ??? Observations From The Heart & Mind

so ever since i started my OFFICIAL journey to greatness and naturality i've been browsing video after video,researching different products,learning the do's & dont's,various terms used within the natural community,reading TONS of articles and within these articles i have learned quite a bit,not just how to properly care for you hair as you transition into the natural world but even once you've made it into the wonderful world of "Natural" but i've also had the chance to learn & see first hand just how divided we as a people & country are when it come to the the "NATURAL"
i've read countless articles dealing with the belief that natural isn't beautiful,that to many women are taking this as a trend,that no women who wears her hair as such has a place in the work world,that the only beauty accepted is that of women with straight hair.i posed a question to my fellow fb friends last month.why is it that a women that wears her hair relaxed,with a weave/extensions,braids,colored,etc is embraced more so with open arms than a women that is natural.why is it that were sooo scared of seeing ourselves not only as women but African american women at that in the natural.some commented saying it's a personal thing,which i understood.everything is a personal preference when it deals with choices you make within your life,dealing with your life.that is a right we have and without it life would surly be dull BUT why are some soooo quick to tell a black women or girl "don't go natural" why are people quick to tell a women or girl transitioning go get a relaxer,to beat her down with words.people that at that are friends,family.people that say they have your back,love you,care for you.i'm transitioning and since the start of that i've gotten nothing but love & applauds for doing so.i thank god everyday for those in my life that see what i'm doing and love it.i have had the unfortunate but eye opening events were i've had dirty looks thrown out at me,and not just by any group or race.african american and women at that,i shrug it off because i know those that have looked at me like that are like many.lack the knowledge,the TRUTH about natural hair.the belief is natural means unmanageable,lack of care or in other words "NAPPY" that there's no way you can style,care for hair that is chemical-less.
the fear of those things listed has lead many women to use a chemical which eases the stress & work put into the doing of hair.here i'am now doing something i never ever thought i would.my hope is to not only walk away from this with a fresh grade of hair but a renewed sense of love for myself,my hair,to be able to spread the word,the journey the ups & downs i've dealt with and will deal with when it comes to managing my hair.i hope as time goes that i see more women taking stance and leaving the creamy crack alone.to see that no chemical can truly make you,that your beautiful without,beautiful in the natural state...thanks to all those before me that sat the pace and give us newbies something to look forward too. be safe,be blessed

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